We distribute resources in the form of grants to programs that fit within the priorities of the Riverside Ending Homelessness Fund. Grant applications are reviewed and approved by our Board of Directors for projects that serve:
Outreach, training advocacy and communication
Filling in the gaps that exist in the services to the homeless
Direct services that help people secure housing
Supportive services for people in housing
Rental assistance
Homeless prevention
Outreach – effort to educate or advocate by engaging the community regarding available services;
Rapid Rehousing – housing focused towards chronically homeless that moves the person into housing quickly;
Rental Assistance – short term (up to 3 months) housing payment in the form of either of tenant based or sponsor based support;
Transitional Housing – housing in which all persons have a signed lease or occupancy agreement to facilitate the move of homeless individuals /families into permanent housing within 24 months;
Permanent Housing – community-based housing without a designated length of stay;
Supportive Services – services that assist someone in the transition from the streets or shelter into permanent supportive housing;
Homeless Prevention Activities – activities or programs designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness; and
Mental Health and Health Services – services designed to improve individual’s health and mental health and enhance their ability to remain stable, housed and community integrated.