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The Riverside Ending Homelessness Fund (REHF) was established in 2013 to connect homeless individuals with social services and housing. REHF has taken a pro-active approach to addressing homelessness in our community in partnering with a wide-range of non-profit organizations, social service agencies and faith-based institutions. It has created a centralized environment to provide short-term emergency shelter coupled with a range of complimentary supportive services necessary to assist homeless individuals and families to address their issues and achieve housing stability.


The components of the homeless service campus environment on Hulen Place include a Multi-Service Access Center, the Path of Life Riverside Emergency Shelter, “The Place” Safe Haven Supportive Housing and Drop-in Center, and a Pet Kennel for service campus guests.


The City's Access Center serves as the entry point and service hub of the City's continuum of care providing access to a wide-range of services under-one-roof including homeless street outreach, housing placement, employment development, benefits enrollment, health care access, mental health services, substance abuse recovery, veteran's services, life skills training, financial counseling, legal services, client stabilization resources, computer resources, transportation assistance, basic needs emergency assistance, and homeless prevention resources.


Riverside Ending Homelessness Fund's mission is to educate and fund programs or activities that engage service providers and the community to reduce homelessness and promote community-wide interest and concern for the homeless in the following types of activities:

  • Serving as an education and informational resource;

  • Promoting advocacy at the local, state, and federal level;

  • Creating opportunities for planning, collaboration, networking, and sharing best practices among providers and partners

  • Serving as a catalyst for new ideas and for implementation of solution

  • A holistic approach that emphasizes coordination of care;

  • Collaboration and cooperation between a broad range of community stakeholders including public and private partnerships;

  • Assist homeless individuals and families in achieving and maintaining self-sufficiency;

  • A housing-first approach focused on homeless prevention and rapid re-housing to help households at risk of becoming homeless and place homeless individuals directly into housing coupled with case management;

  • End homelessness.

We distribute grants to programs that are aligned with this mission. Grant applications are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors for projects that serve:

  • Outreach, training advocacy and communication

  • Filling in the gaps that exist in the services to the homeless

  • Direct services that help people secure housing

  • Supportive services for people in housing

  • Rental assistance

  • Homeless prevention

  • Outreach – effort to educate or advocate by engaging the community regarding available services;

  • Rapid Rehousing – housing focused towards chronically homeless that moves the person into housing quickly;

  • Rental Assistance – short term (up to 3 months) housing payment in the form of either of tenant based or sponsor based support;

  • Transitional Housing – housing in which all persons have a signed lease or occupancy agreement to facilitate the move of homeless individuals /families into permanent housing within 24 months;

  • Permanent Housing – community-based housing without a designated length of stay;

  • Supportive Services – services that assist someone in the transition from the streets or shelter into permanent suppmeortive housing;

  • Homeless Prevention Activities – activities or programs designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness;

  • Mental Health and Health Services – services designed to improve individual’s health and mental health and enhance their ability to remain stable, housed and community integrated.

About & Subscribe

Contact Our Board


(951) 390-3495


Leni Zarate


Damien O'Farrell


Michelle Davis


Tom Raffy


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